Enchanted forest

Enchanted forest
Fall decoration @ Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, October 2010

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Finally! Match Day!!

Found out about match day at 7:29am this morning.  On my way to my morning workout, I checked my email at a stoplight and immediately opened it to find that…

... I matched! 

Not only that, I matched to my #1 ranked site!

For the remainder of the day, I was flooded with texts, phone calls, and congratulatory posts throughout facebook and email. I felt so loved, embraced, and well-wished by almost everyone who knew me: family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances even.  The entire day felt overwhelming, exciting, and quite surreal actually.  The morning/noontime quickly flew by and by early afternoon, I called an old childhood friend to discuss clothing options for the dinner and celebratory party that night.  Prior to going out, though, I took a 20 minute Epsom salt bath to relax and take some time to myself.  I even closed to door to Mr. Z. so I could have some alone time to reflect.  However, I found myself suddenly crying when I thought about the many people I wanted to celebrate with—but who were far far away: all my family members, my childhood friends from home, my good friends who have recently graduated and left... 

Besides, even with having a dinner party with many others who also went through this grueling match process, I didn’t really invite many friends to come.  For one, I couldn’t extend invitations one week ahead of time when I didn’t even know if I would be match the following week.  Secondly, I didn’t really have that many close friends anymore nearby.  My one dear friend, Penny, had been quite clear about not wanting to come when I asked her a few days ago. I hadn’t paid much attention to her response then, because I was too concerned if there would even be a party.  But now that there was, and now that I feel celebratory, I suddenly felt lonely.  

Very very lonely.  

Of all the friends and acquaintances that were coming, I really just wanted to celebrate with 2 people: Penny and Connie—neither of whom were coming!  It was strange to feel so lonely on such a happy day—but I found myself crying big fat tears and having an imaginary conversation with Penny about the significance of this day.

As fate would have it, Penny texted me a few minutes later to say that she wanted to show up tonight to celebrate me, and that she felt sorry for how she reacted the week before.  She apologized for having such a “cold reaction” and in turn, I told her how much I appreciated her words and her presence in my life. Isn’t it interesting how that worked out?  Her message came at the perfect time.  Additionally, I realized throughout the night that I had many many more friends than I thought I did—many of whom were SO happy for me and for my colleagues on our celebratory day!  I was quite overwhelmed by the love, actually!  A previous student of mine came for dinner and also got each of us a congratulatory balloon too!

Fly high, balloon! Fly high!

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