I have been working out routinely for the past 3 weeks! Going to the gym, taking bootcamp courses, hiring a private instructor... this is all new for me! In the past, I have hated working out. I have avoided it at all costs, and I have had very very good reasons to! My congenital health issues have made it hard to work out. But having undergone surgery 10 years ago, I've since been able to do anything others can do. I just... don't know how to do them. Don't know how to use muscles that I haven't used before!
My decision to work out this time-- very proactively might I add -- is because I want to improve my relationship with myself. I want to invest time, energy, resources, and hope in myself. For so long, I've neglected myself, including what makes my body feel good, and what makes me feel good and healthy. I am seeking out exercise for this reason, and this reason only.
What a stark contrast that is to my past goals! Before, if/when I ever worked out, it would be for unrealistic goals of looking like a pageant queen in 4 weeks. I worked out so that I could be skinnier, less chubby, more pretty, more attractive. I motivated myself by thinking of the gym as a place of punishment: you are fat, you must burn it off. I was extreme in my behaviors, and even worse, I placed unrealistic expectations toward the final outcome. After 1 workout, I would want to see results. I would expect to lose weight, or feel like my clothes are looser, or I would hope others would comment on me being smaller. None of that happened by the way. I would also be very restrictive in my eating, and eventually, when I didn't see results, I would give it all up and start binge-eating! I'd eat everything I want without any control. Now that's extreme.
Which is why this time around, my whole workout journey/adventure is completely different. This time, I'm working out to reward myself, to focus on myself, to pay attention to my own needs (rather than someone else's). I am carving time out of my schedule for me. I am also making meals specifically for me. I don't have to compromise, sacrifice, or build up any resentment because of someone else. I can eat what I want, work out when I want, and sleep whenever I want. It's absolutely wonderful and already, I feel health(ier), happ(ier), more hope-filled and more at peace than I have ever felt before.
My feelings of content are so strong these days. It is probably because my lifestyle is SO different from when I was with B. I no longer have to sleep very late because of him and his irregular sleep cycle. I also don't have to binge-eat large meals and then skip meals because he has strange eating habits that I can surely describe as disordered eating. The content of my meals are also healthier! I can eat garlic, I can make things with tomatoes (which he hated), I can cut down on carbs and just eat protein (he wants rice with his meals when we make curry), and I can also decide what I want to do and when I want to do it without him being whiny, judgmental, or condescending. That's been a very liberating change. In the past, if I were to do fun things without him, B. would punish me afterwards by being mean, emotionally unpredictable, and even at times being purposefully provoking. I distinctly remember when I left town to visit family during Winter Vacation last year. I had spent a lot of time preparing for our family yard sale, and when I told him all about it, he had said, "Work? You work? You don't work, you're lazy." We had a humongous fight over his insulting words, and he later confessed that he was upset that I was having fun with family while he was alone and doing his work. Can you imagine anyone else more selfish? Keep in mind that when I left town, I invited him home with me and he chose not to come. Furthermore, when I asked if he would miss me (because of course I would miss him), he said "No, I'll be too busy working because I have so much to get done."
Yeaaaaah OK. You're busy. You work hard. And everyone else bum around and do nothing. Enjoy your fantasy world and continue to torture yourself while we live happy, well-balanced lives.
In retrospect, I am soo happy to be single. I am so happy to be OUT of that relationship with B., and OUT of the dysfunction that he creates for himself. GOOD RIDDANCE TO HIM and GOOD RIDDANCE to all his baggage as well. Yesterday was Valentine's day, and I can honestly say that it was one of the best days ever because I was very aware of how happy and content I felt being on my own and feeling liberated, empowered, and striving to be even more healthy and peaceful.
I'm continuing my goals to work on me and to improve my relationship with myself! Go, me!
I have found myself in unhealthy relationships with others and, in turn, myself. This blog details my journey to find self-compassion: to reflect on my own role in unhealthy relationships and to focus on me. This is my attempt to look inward to become more self-aware. If my writings are relate-able to anyone, it is my hope that I can offer a sense of normalcy about wanting to feel loved and connected without losing your sense of self along the way...
Enchanted forest

Fall decoration @ Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, October 2010
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
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