It's my first Friday being solo without the company of Jay!
I have a work gig tomorrow that requires all-day attendance, so I knew ahead of time we'd have 2 weeks apart.
I'm not particularly sad or missing him, actually.
Truth be told, I've been a tad excited about the possibility of having Friday night to myself.
Last night was the first Thursday in 6 months that I got to relax and do nothing. I didn't have to clean the house from top-to-bottom in anticipation of his visit. I also wasn't running around doing emergency laundry and packing for a weekend trip.
My agenda for tonight is to take Mr. Z. for a long walk, attend an outdoor festival to see some friends, and then head home for a relaxing night. I'll need to board Mr. Z. overnight since I'll be out of the house by 7am tomorrow and only returning home late at night. So, I definitely want to squeeze in some quality time with my sweet sweet dog.
Afterwards, I'll probably sit around and do some work in front of the TV. Yes, even doing some work tonight would be relaxing. The point is, I can just be tonight -- in my own mess-- and without having to cater to anyone else other than myself!
Tonight is me-time!
I have found myself in unhealthy relationships with others and, in turn, myself. This blog details my journey to find self-compassion: to reflect on my own role in unhealthy relationships and to focus on me. This is my attempt to look inward to become more self-aware. If my writings are relate-able to anyone, it is my hope that I can offer a sense of normalcy about wanting to feel loved and connected without losing your sense of self along the way...
Enchanted forest

Fall decoration @ Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, October 2010
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