The day after my confrontation with B., I went to school nervously, but was glad not to see him anywhere.
The day following that, I hoped he already left town so I could be at peace again. How wrong I was.
Because of the anxiety/drain that I felt from his mere presence, I was taking naps all week. I was trying to avoid reality and to do so by diving into unconsciousness. When I woke up that afternoon, I got a voicemail from Connie saying she had seen B. and that she had something to show me. In a very short amount of time, I quickly went from groggy to anxiety and fear. Is he still here? Why is he still here? What is he doing in town now? Hasn't it been 2 days later? Shouldn't he be gone already?
It turns out, Connie had a video to show me. A video from when she caught B. walking hand-in-hand with a girl just outside our office building that afternoon! She sent it to me and told me how surprised she was when she walked out the front door and saw him heading down the street (towards her) in broad daylight holding hands with someone else. Connie had been so surprised she froze and then decided to video record him and this other woman on her phone! She could not believe the coincidence and she wanted to make sure I know that I had NOTHING to feel guilty for from our last confrontation. As she talked, she laughed, describing to me the scenario of her video recording him, and him being caught by her and shooting her glaring looks. She's certain that he recognized her. She quickly sent the video and told me to call her after I watch it.
As I jumped into the car getting ready to buy last-minute groceries, I stopped at a red light and opened-up that video.
There it was: in broad daylight, B. walking hand-in-hand with a red-headed girl. He's wearing the exact same clothes he had on when I saw him in our last two encounters. He is walking in the same nonchalant way he always walks. And when he sees the video/phone towards him, he glares at the camera person before turning his face down toward the ground.
As I'm watching the beginning of the video, I'm laughing out loud, imagining Connie pulling out her phone in the middle of the day, in the middle of the road, blatantly recording someone walking down the street. I feel relieved that this video is about another girl rather than of him waiting for me at my office door. I feel liberated that he has moved on and I hope that it means I will finally be left alone by him. I feel such a large burden removed from my shoulder. I feel like I can breathe again and also not feel guilty for our last conversation. But just as quickly as I laughed and am starting to feel good, I find myself suddenly starting to sob. No tears come out, but I am heaving heavily and my breath is caught in my throat. My chest hurts, my nose is feeling that soreness before I start to cry, and my eyes are feeling watery and near-explosive. I don't understand what's happening to my body nor do I understand how I am emotionally responding. Why did I laugh earlier? Why am I about to cry? Why does my heart hurt as though it is breaking again? Why am I so confused, and why don't I understand what is happening within me in this very moment?
I call Connie back and she is feeling celebratory about "catching him" and being able to show me the video. She's so glad to document the scum that he is. She is shell-shocked about this coincidence and cannot believe he had the audacity to parade a girl around, just 2 days after writing me a note saying he is not dating. She is certain he is a pathological liar. And she is completely positive about him being very very mentally sick. She is happy for me and is so happy to share this with me. This should be wonderful evidence for me to feel better. Now I don't have to feel bad about our last conversation. And now, I should be even more convinced that leaving him was the best thing I did. I agree with her--rationally. Emotionally, however, I want to join her enthusiasm but I can't. I can't catch up to that enthusiasm and I need time to understand how I'm feeling first. I tell her I'll call her back and then I start driving. And shopping. I wander the aisles in the grocery store and grab what I need. When I realize it's 9pm and I'm incredibly hungry, I stop by at a very new and already-famous burger joint. It's already closing-time so I am the last customer waiting in line. I order a burger and sit alone trying to eat console my body. Even after eating the entire thing, I'm still not ready to go home, so I go to another grocery store. I head to a 24-hour grocery store this time and wander down every single aisle. I call Penny. I call my mom. I tell them about the video and then I begin to openly cry.
In my car is where I cry. But also in the store. I tell them how mixed I feel and how confused I am. Although I am relieved on the one hand, I feel so betrayed on the other. I am experiencing deja vu, and it's like a sick sick game being replayed over for me. 2 years ago, I had gotten a similar message right after I caught him cheating with someone else. It had been a Wednesday when I first caught him cheating. And it was on that Friday that we went to couples counseling. On Saturday afternoon, he called to say he was going to walk to the coffee shop for some coffee, and a few hours later, Penny called and apologetically gave me the devastating news. Penny said sorry a few times and then said that she was at the park with her family. She said she thought she saw me and B. together and had run up to say hi to us. Before reaching "us", she realized that it was B. with another girl. She saw him hold hands with this girl and before he looked up to see her. When B. saw Penny, he quickly shoved that girl away, but she ran back to him to hold his hands. In the same way that B. had looked downward at the groun,d he did the same when walking past Penny. He avoided eye contact altogether and walked away as briskly as possible. I remember that when Penny told me this over the phone, her voice began to crack and she began to cry. She told me not to forgive him, not to listen to his sorry excuses, and not to let him into my life again. This infidelity was not the same as Wednesday's discovery. This girl he's cheating with was not the same girl I caught just 2 days ago. This was someone completely different and it was within a span of 2 days that he was doing it. We had just gone to couples counseling the day before, and already, I was being lied to, again. Once, twice, three times, who knows how many more lies there are?!
So.... that is my deja vu when I see this video. Penny hadn't taken a video last time, but her words were just as good as my eyes. Within seconds of her call, B. had called and I had ignored about 10 of his calls before I finally picked up. He apologized first and then lied some more. He insisted that the girl was a friend and that Penny saw wrong. He concocted story after story after story. I won't delve into the details of that story in this post. That is a long long story for a different day. For now, it just triggered everything, in the same way an avalanche crashes and drowns you.
This video triggered me and continues to trigger my memories and my emotions. What the hell, man. I thought I was broken before and that I was starting to heal now. I thought I had hit rock bottom and that I was trying to climb back up. I thought I was making good progress and starting to forget about this person and the pain he inflicted on me. HECK, I thought this person would no longer be in my life and much more, I thought he could no longer ever ever hurt me.
Boy, I was so wrong. Boy was I ever so wrong... in every one of these questions, I was dead wrong.
I have found myself in unhealthy relationships with others and, in turn, myself. This blog details my journey to find self-compassion: to reflect on my own role in unhealthy relationships and to focus on me. This is my attempt to look inward to become more self-aware. If my writings are relate-able to anyone, it is my hope that I can offer a sense of normalcy about wanting to feel loved and connected without losing your sense of self along the way...
Enchanted forest

Fall decoration @ Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, October 2010
Saturday, March 17, 2012
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