I feel disgusted by B.
Having been broken-up for exactly 7 months (as of yesterday-- wow!), I don't understand why he keeps trying to be connected with me. In as many social networking sites as possible, he's been showing up in my email inbox, with headings that say "_____ wants to be in your circle!" Whether it's a professional networking site or just a personal group, like google plus, he's been adamant about pushing his way in. Much like before, he is not taking "no" for an answer and he is imposing himself into my life, my space.
This feeling is similar to that of being... raped. I don't mean to offend anyone who actually has been a survivor and a victim of physical rape. But I feel so invaded, so powerless, so targeted, and so disgusted. I feel disgusted at him and at myself for having been with him and continuing to be something he wants in his life.
This time around, I am different. I will not succumb to him because he wants it. In the past, when I have said "no no no no no", he had ignored me altogether and continued to do what pleases him. When I have said "let's break up", he will act like I never said it and come back the next day all smiles. When I have caught him cheating with other women, he will also act like it never happened. When we have gotten into huge blow-out fights, he will ask me 1) if I'm upset and 2) what is wrong? -- because he hasn't got a clue as to why I'm not super happy. That's the manipulative thing about B. Does he really not know? Or does he feign not-knowing so he can masquerade happiness in his own life-- and impose that fakeness into mine?
In truth, I tried to break up with him several times before officially cutting ties 7 months ago. In most of the times that we got back together-- it wasn't necessarily because I wanted to be together. It was because he wouldn't let go of me, and he wouldn't let me live my life until he was back in it. I felt so stuck. I felt so so trapped. My "no"s have never meant anything to him, and I feel a familiar sense of sickness in my stomach when he does the same thing today--- except in cyberspace.
My greatest fear is that he will show up at my door one day. He will have a genuine, heartfelt smile plastered on his face, and he will run up to me arms wide open being ever so happy to see me. He will want to touch, hug, and tell me how great it is to see me. I know with 100000% certainty he will act like nothing has happened and that I haven't been so severely damaged by him and our ex-relationship. And as for my emotional responses? I will freeze. I will want to squeeze into myself so that I am not touched by him. I will feel dirty and disgusted by him. I will also feel invalidated for all the heartache and resentment I've experienced throughout the relationship-- because his avoidance of it will be his way of saying that my pain didn't happen. His avoidance altogether is his way of erasing a history that has been so salient during the past 2 years of my life.
The thought of this scenario makes my skin crawl. As I am typing, my stomach is tightening up and my heart is pounding faster and louder. I feel an intense warmth spreading throughout my abdomen-- a very powerful sense of... anger, maybe? frustration? Nono, it's anger alright. I want to shove him far far away from me, whether it's in cyberspace or in real life. I want to never see him again, never hear him again, never have to co-exist in the same place as him. My anger has come alive, after 2 years of being with a womanizer. My anger, as of recently, is finally here.
I have found myself in unhealthy relationships with others and, in turn, myself. This blog details my journey to find self-compassion: to reflect on my own role in unhealthy relationships and to focus on me. This is my attempt to look inward to become more self-aware. If my writings are relate-able to anyone, it is my hope that I can offer a sense of normalcy about wanting to feel loved and connected without losing your sense of self along the way...
Enchanted forest

Fall decoration @ Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, October 2010
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