I am an emotional eater. I realized this last night after stuffing my face. Considering I joined a bootcamp workout, you would think I'd curtail bad eating habits and try to start fresh. Instead, I went into self-sabotage mode and ate a peanut-butter chocolate cupcake, 15 pieces of chips (baked is better I suppose), broccoli, cauliflower, and baby carrots dipped in homemade salsa and hummus, and then some cereal. I also had a cup of blueberries and blackberries.
For some reason, even after eating all these supposedly nutritious foods--- no longer nutritious because of their quantity in my stomach -- I felt unfulfilled. Scratch that, I felt hungry. Or maybe even empty. I craved crunchiness, so I had gone for the chips. Then I needed sweetness to balance out the salty, so I went for the fruits. Afterwards, I wanted some healthy, so I thought to compensate by going for the fruits. No matter what I ate, however, it just didn't seem enough. In between all of the different things I was eating, I was also drinking copious amounts of water-- an attempt to keep myself hydrated after such an intense work out during the day.
This is not my first attempt to try and be healthy. I have already been on a month-long "portion control" plan, trying to decrease my quantity of food. But I feel disappointed by the results and so, I went into sabotage mode. Not consciously, probably. But my mood certainly set the stage for eating like it was my last day on earth.
I have found myself in unhealthy relationships with others and, in turn, myself. This blog details my journey to find self-compassion: to reflect on my own role in unhealthy relationships and to focus on me. This is my attempt to look inward to become more self-aware. If my writings are relate-able to anyone, it is my hope that I can offer a sense of normalcy about wanting to feel loved and connected without losing your sense of self along the way...
Enchanted forest

Fall decoration @ Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, October 2010
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